Kathleen Finlay interviewed on CBC National News Go Public

Kathleen Finlay interviewed on CBC’s Go Public Calls medical errors a silent epidemic that needs to be treated as a public healthcare crisis.  Urges creation of healthcare equivalent of TSB to investigate and reduce critical hospital errors like surgery ‘never’ events. Those mishaps are part of a “silent epidemic,” according to advocate Kathleen Finlay, founder of […]

Kathleen Finlay interviewed on Charles Adler Tonight

Kathleen Finlay was a guest on Charles Adler Tonight, the national broadcast of the Global Radio Network. She was interviewed on medical errors, surgery harms and the Canadian healthcare system.

Kathleen Finlay Interviewed by CTV News on Disrespectful Viral Video

Patients and families, often already under enormous stress and worry, don’t need healthcare professionals mocking and disbelieving them. The woman in the video calls herself a nurse. My mother was a nurse. I know many nurses. This is no nurse in the true sense of that word. She has re-traumatized many patients and families, reminding […]

Media and Commentary

We give voice to the patients and families who have been harmed by the very healthcare system they trusted to heal them. It’s not just medical errors — which are largely avoidable — that cause the harm.  Too often, harm is also caused by the healthcare institution’s response when a patient or family reports an […]

Kathleen Finlay quoted in Healthy Debate

Why are medical records so difficult for patients and families to access? A family raises an important question after a hospital nightmare. At Healthy Debate.

Make Lawmakers More Trauma-Informed Aware

The chronic institutional betrayal of the Canadian Senate in meeting its obligations to protect women shows how poorly lawmakers understand the serious health impacts of sexual violence and sexual harassment, and why we need a campaign to bring trauma-informed awareness to the legislative table. Kathleen Finlay’s latest in The Hill Times.

Kathleen Finlay quoted in CTV News story

$1,100 hospital bill for dead father’s medical records prompts petition Published Friday, October 4, 2019 10:52AM EDT A Toronto woman who says a hospital charged her more than $1,100 to access her deceased father’s medical records is petitioning the Ontario government to enforce fee regulations and increase transparency in the health-care system. Read full story. […]

Interview on Global News Radio

Kathleen Finlay was interviewed today (August 13, 2019) on Global News Radio in connection with Ontario’s low-income seniors who are being thrown off the province’s drug co-payment program. 

Low-income seniors being thrown off Ontario drug co-payment program

UPDATE: This is an image documenting payments made by a senior who had been on the Ontario Seniors Drug Co-pay Program in 2017 and 2018 and then was cut from it effective August 1, 2019.  When asked about this situation by the media, staff of Ontario Minister of Health Christine Elliott falsely claimed no one […]

Stop letting the system assault victims of sexual violence over and over

Kath­leen Fin­lay writes in The Hill Times News­pa­per on the unheed­ed and unad­dressed health impli­ca­tions for women of sex­u­al assault and sex­u­al harass­ment on women. Online version.   Print version.   Read about HealingNow: the groundbreaking initiative of The ZeroNow Campaign    RELATED