Welcome to The Center for Patient Protection


Patient Protection.Healthcare

Improving outcomes | Healing Harm

Healthcare and mental health delivery through a more compassionate, patient-informed lens.



“It is not acceptable for patients to be harmed by the health care system that is supposed to offer healing and comfort.”

from To Err is Human, an investigation by the Institute of Medicine into patient safety and medical errors,
November 1999


at Patient Protection.Healthcare

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Did you know?

Medical errors are the third leading cause of death in Canada and the United States.

Research has shown that one in 18 patients are harmed during their stay in a Canadian hospital. That adds up to a lot of patients.  And a lot of avoidable harm.

30,000 hospitalized patients lose their lives to medical errors in Canada every year. That’s the equivalent of a fully loaded jumbo jet crashing and killing everyone on board each week. 

The risk of avoidable death in a U.S. hospital with a D or F patient safety grade is 92 percent higher than it is in hospitals with an A grade.

Canada has no similar hospital rating tool to allow patients and families to make informed decisions about the safety of their healthcare provider. 

It is predicted that 12 million Canadians in hospital and home-care settings will be harmed by the healthcare system over the next 30 years, costing the health-care system an additional $2.75 billion per year. Another 1.2 million people will lose their lives. 

The Center for Patient Protection is the oldest patient-focused advocacy of its kind in Canada.  Through our work, patient and family outreach clinics and extensive knowledge base, we contribute to better patient safety and innovations to avoid harm around the world every day.

A few of our most-visited pages and resources by patients, families and healthcare professionals worldwide.

Snapshots of Harm


What Do Patients & Families Want?

Healing Virtues

Outreach Clinic

Since 2018, PatientProtection.Healthcare and the ZeroNow Campaign have called for federal action to address gender-based gaps in healthcare and in the well-being of victims of sexual violence. In Prime Minister Trudeau’s mandate letter of December 2019 to the Minister of Health, the federal government committed to developing an action plan to reduce gender-related health gaps. Kathleen Finlay’s Hill Times op-ed is part of a series of articles and commentaries that provide insight into a way forward that can produce genuine game-changing outcomes.

Reducing the health and emotional harms of gender violence and sexual harassment.

Kathleen Finlay’s op-ed in The Hill Times, calling for appointment of a
federal gender-based violence Commissioner.

Gender violence and sexual harassment carry huge physical and emotional consequences for victims. They can be life-altering. They can last for years, even decades. It is a healthcare issue that needs to be addressed more comprehensively by governments, healthcare providers, health professionals and the legal community.  This especially includes the harm caused by non-disclosure agreements. Banning them is a major focus of our sister advocacy at the ZerONow Campaign  to combat gender violence and sexual harassment.

The sequelae unleashed by NDAs and the trauma of institutional betrayal should themselves be enough to throw these artifacts of abuse into the dustbin of history.”  — Kathleen Finlay  



Read more about ending the harm of NDAs on our ZerONow Campaign site.

Reducing the harm of mental health crisis and the tragedy of suicide.

Suicide is becoming an epidemic among certain population groups in Canada. Every year, at least 100,000 Canadians attempt to end their lives. Among youth, suicide is the second leading cause of death. Victims of gender-based violence and bullying are especially at risk, as are members of our Indigenous communities. We call for a new approach and fresh thinking to address this public health crisis.  Our proposal for the creation of a national three-digit 988 suicide prevention hotline network has been adopted by the House of Commons and is being implemented by the CRTC. This is a major accomplishment of which The Centre for Patient Protection is enormously proud.  Read more about our campaign to bring 988 to Canada.