Kathleen Finlay’s column for CBC News
Opinion column on CBC News calling for improved approach to mental health emergencies during COVID-19 pandemic.
Opinion column on CBC News calling for improved approach to mental health emergencies during COVID-19 pandemic.
Canada’s approach to suicide prevention is broken: The Hill Times
Interview on CBC News (print and television) on dangers of higher dispensing fees.
Op-ed in the Ottawa Citizen calling for a 9-8-8 suicide prevention hotline in Canada.
Kathleen Finlay was a guest on the Mike Farwell show, 570 Radio.
The Hill Times covered Kathleen Finlay’s campaign to bring 988 to Canada, and the support it has attracted from one prominent Canadian Senator.
Kathleen Finlay was interviewed on iHeartRadio about her campaign to bring a three-digit 988 suicide prevention hotline to Canada. Here’s a clip of the interview.
Kathleen Finlay was interviewed on CTV National News with Lisa LaFlamme in an Avis Favro report about Kathleen’s campaign to bring a three-digit 988 suicide prevention hotline to Canada. Here’s the video. The extended CTV News interview and on-line story are available here.
“We need new thinking and bold strokes if we are going to combat this contagion of gender-based violence that moves unarrested from one generation to another.” See full article.
The case of Toronto rapper John River (Matthew John Derrick-Huie), who went to the doctor with chest pains and shortness of breath in 2017 and embarked on a two-year medical nightmare. “Kathleen Finlay, the CEO and founder of The Center for Patient Protection, called River’s treatment “appalling.” “Anytime a person presents multiple times to a […]